Barkers Groomers . . Hello Everyone . If you are looking for the best mobile groomer. You have come to the right place Barkers Groomers is the best place for you If you are anything like me then you don’t like to leave your dog at the parlour all day. This can...
Guide Dogs These dogs are used for helping the visually impaired. Golden Retrievers are the most often chosen dog breed for this. But sometimes they use other breeds – such as Poodles. These dogs wear a special harness that allows them to guide their...
So those of you that have followed me throughout the years would have already met Pablo and Carla. But, i thought i would carry on their Journey a little bit. Pablo & Carla are with my parents in Canada – living their best life. Both have a funny...
So, by now everyone aware that the world is on lock-down due to the Covid-19 virus going around. For those people fortunate enough to still be able to work from home get the luxury of having to work with your home life inside your work life for the duration of all of...
Due to recent experiences i thought i would give everyone a bit more information about what this actually means: First: here is a video to watch to see it first hand: Slipped Disc Example A slipped disc is also called a herniated disc. Some dogs are more prone...
In August last year Lily, my white Pekingese slipped a disc in her back. It all started on a Thursday night where I noticed that her back legs were slightly weaker. By the Friday she was much weaker and was swaying side to side and barely keeping herself up. ...
Emperors of China were said to keep pugs as lapdogs. And were nothing less than spoiled. Some of them were even said to have their own body guards. These dogs live anywhere between 12 – 15 years. With their weight ranging 5 – 10 KG. These dogs are...
1. Basset Hound If you are looking for a really “chilled out” dog. The Basset Hound is your go-to dog. These dogs are known to be Lazy and relaxed dogs. Very importantly they are also really good with children – who doesn’t LOVE a dog who is...
Pekingese The two Pekingese in the photos above are my babies, who have moved with my family and I to the UK.i can’t say they are the most fond of the cold and wet weather. But we are all happy none the less.The white one is Lily (she’s 4)The black one is Daizy (she’s...
Dalmatian Facts 101 Dalmatians live approximately between 10 and 13 years of age These dogs come in two colors – Liver & White, Black & White These dogs have been said to be aggressive, but the truth is… if these dogs are bred properly they...
HELLO! It’s been awhile, I know. Sorry life does that to you. I struggled in the past to get people to interact with me – please share your thoughts with me! I would LOVE to hear from you. What would you like to see? CLICK HERE to contact me 🙂 Get...