boston terrier boy

Boston Terrier



So those of you who are Boston lovers would probably know. These dogs were originally bred to be fighting dogs. Did you know that?

Those of you who own a Bostie, would I am sure agree with me that this is RIDICULOUS


These dogs are often compared to a Gentleman – this is because of their beautiful markings.


These dogs are gentle, loving and very affectionate.

I’m sure about your Boston Terrier but mine LOVES to kiss – every chance she gets.


On that note: There are some Boston Terriers who sometimes feel they need to show dogs around them who is boss. This is generally a bit of a territorial thing and this is barely a fight too. Will just be a slight warning.


These dogs have a muscular build. Their bodies are short and compact.


The Boston Terriers come in several colours:

  • Seal
  • Brindle
  • White and Brindle
  • Black and White
  • Brown and White



These dogs are known to be around 15 – 17 inches in height

When it comes to a Boston Terriers weight there are generally 3 catagories:

The first is around 7KG

Then, you are looking at around 7 – 9KG in the next category.

And finally you are looking at around 9 – 11KG.


These dogs are VERY fast. So, firstly it is important to always make sure that you have a collar on your dog with your information on it so that if your dog does for whatever reason get out someone can call you.


Also along with the collar, you can look at getting a microchip in your dog. This is a small chip which the vet will place under your dog’s skin. This chip will be able to be scanned by your vet if someone had to pick up your dog. On this chip your information will be saved – things like your address and your phone number. This is one of the best things you can do for your dog (any dog you get). Remember your dog is your family. You always want to make sure that they are safe and happy.


Boston Terriers are a part of the Brachycephalic family. What this means is that they have a squashed face like their fellow dogs like: Pugs, Pekingese and boxers.

These dogs have naturally perky ears. Which makes their appearance even more awesome.


These dogs LOVE attention. And they do best with families who are home often and around often.

If you have someone at home at all times, that’s better too. They love their human companions

If you leave a Boston alone, they tend to pine, sulk and get lonely very quickly. This can happen even if you have other dogs at home – but of course that helps!


These dogs have a bubbly, affectionate personality. And they are extremely intelligent.

With this comes some issues. These dogs tend to be a bit boisterous sometimes. This can lead to them being bored and destructive. But don’t worry, the minute they look you in the eyes. You will fall in love with those big round eyes and all will be forgotten and forgiven.


From personal experience, if my Boston Terrier Carla is ever thinks she’s in trouble for something. Like when she ripped the insides out of her teddy the other day. I just need to look at her and her face melts into this soft, beautiful loving face… its honestly the most amazing thing. It’s so difficult to ever be mad at her for anything!


When it comes to the body of the Boston Terrier – they have short silky hair. Because they have such short hair they feel the cold quite quickly. So if you do live in a colder climate be sure to keep your pup warm and inside at all times.

They have their flat face. – their lower jaw is in proportion to their body. But their upper jaw is shorter which is what gives them that squashed in face look

Their long legs.

Their muscular bodies

When it comes to their tail – docking is FORBIDDEN


With regards to the Boston Terriers face – people who are looking at adopting or buying a boston need to know the following:

  • Because these dogs have short noses the air they breathe in isn’t cooled as efficiently as a dog with a longer nose. What this means is that the dog is more prone to heat stress



These dogs are known to be prone to the following issues:



  • This causes a film to cover the lens of the eye. These dogs can get this at an early age as well (anywhere from 8 weeks – 12 months)


Cherry Eye:

  • This when the gland of the third eyelid collapses. This is known to be a genetic problem. It happens more often in dogs who are younger than a year old. If this happens your dog can undergo surgery. The surgeon will either remove the gland completely, or position back to its original place.


Patellar Luxation:

  • This is when the Thigh bone, Knee cap and Calf aren’t lined up properly.
  • There are five stages of this.
  • This can also lead to arthritis


Heart Murmurs:

  • These can be soft/loud
  • Can cause a backflow of blood into the left atrium
  • This causes the heart to not be as efficient at flowing blood through the body like it should
  • Treatment involves – low-sodium diet, less exercise, diuretics and medication



  • It is known that dogs who have white over more than one third of their heads/bodies are more prone to producing deaf puppies


Brain tumors



  • These dogs are prone to several allergies, watch for your dog licking their paws to much or rubbing their skin a lot



  • This is a defect which causes your dog to regurgitate undigested food.
  • This is different to vomiting – in the sense that with vomiting there is more effort involved. But with the regurgitation there is often no warning at all


Reverse sneezing:

  • This is known to happen when your dog gets over excited, eats to fast and even from pollen. What happens is the secretions from the nose canal drop onto the soft palate which causes the windpipe to close. When this happens, you should try and calm your dog down by talking to them gently to get them to relax.
  • It seems harsh, but if you block the dogs nose it will force them to breathe through their mouth which is a quick way to fix the problem.




These dogs need very little grooming

They have a short coat which should be brushed with a short bristle brush which will keep the coat clean and shiny

You can get one of those rubber gloves and brush your dog’s hair with that. This will remove any loose hairs and will remove any dust on your dog’s fur. This of course will make your dog feel better, but it will also help you have less hair all over the house

Their nails should be trimmed regularly to avoid any overgrowth and cracking

Because their ears are upright, dust can get inside the ears. So make sure you check the ears and clean them when necessary

And then their teeth should also be brushed regularly.




When it comes to food, it of course depends how big your Boston Terrier is.

The best thing you can do for your Boston Terrier is take them to the vet – and they will be able to give you recommendations on what to feed your pup and how much to feed them


Remember to have clean fresh water available at all times



These dogs aren’t the easiest to train (if you stay persistent and consistent – things should go smoothly), they LOVE people, they are small. This makes them the perfect family dog

These dogs need medium exercise. So if you stay in a small apartment ensure that you at least walk your dog for roughly 20 – 40 minutes per day




How Often Should I Deworm My Dog?

  • Your dog ideally should be dewormed every three months


Do Boston Terrier Dogs Drool?

  • These dogs have a low tendency to drool


Do Boston Terrier Dogs Bark?

  • For those of you who may live in an apartment. It would be good to know this. These dogs have a moderate tendency to bark. So if you need a dog that barely barks, the Boston may not be for you


Will My Boston Terrier Dig?

  • So they say these dogs have a low tendency to dig – but from personal experience. My pup likes to bury her toys, and food she doesn’t feel like eating right away. She doesn’t dig big holes in the garden though! So that’s a plus


Will I Need To Socialize My Boston?

  • To me, this answer will always be yes. These are very friendly and loving dogs. And they love to be around people and other dogs.
  • An example of this – is something I do with my Boston. Take your pup to your local dog park – we let her loose and she runs and plays with the other dogs there (in our case there are lots of other Bostons around)


Will My Dog Fart?

  • Boston Terriers are known to be very gassy dogs. So if this bothers you, a Boston is definitely not for you


Do Boston Terriers snore?

  • Yes! These dogs are prone to snoring because of their flat noses. They can also snore very loudly too!


Is It Easy To Breed Boston Terriers?

  • Boston Terriers aren’t the easiest and best dog to breed. This breed as often known to need a caesarian. Also, these dogs are known to have small litters as well – it is said that a litter on one puppy isn’t uncommon


 Are Boston Terriers Aggressive?

  • No, these dogs are generally very friendly. It is known that sometimes the male Boston Terrier can become a bit snappy when they feel threatened or territorial


Are Boston Terriers Prone To Becoming Overweight?

  • Just like any dog, these dogs love to eat. If you don’t watch your dog, they are known to overeat and this could lead to them becoming overweight.


Are Boston Terriers Easy To Train?

  • No, these dogs I wouldn’t say are the easiest dogs to train. This breed are extremely stubborn and sensitive. If you are going to train your Boston, you need to keep your voice low-key and stay positive. If you shout at a Boston Terrier, they tend to shut down and not listen to you at all anymore.
  • It is found to work best if you use a crate to train your pup
  • Make sure you stay consistent and persistent


Where do I buy a Boston?


Do Boston Terriers like Water?

  • These dogs LOVE water. Try it out – trust me 🙂


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boston terrier

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